How Smishing Can Affect You

person working on computer and looking at their mobile phone

Smishing, or sms phishing, is a cybersecurity threat that has been gaining traction in recent years. It involves using text messages to trick people into providing sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers. Smishers take advantage of the fact that most people don’t expect malicious intent from a text message and are often too trusting when it comes to replying with confidential data.

As smishing has become more prevalent, it’s important for everyone to be aware of how this threat can affect them and what they can do to protect themselves. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of smishing, how smishers operate, and steps you can take to protect yourself against smishing attacks.

Smishing and its dangers

The devious attack known as 'phishing' is typically delivered via email, but this variant arrives directly to your phone, and the danger of it may be even more likely to ensnare you. In fact, according to an FBI report, more than 320,000 Americans were targeted by these schemes in 2021, resulting in $44 million in losses. Consumers on average get an average of 19.5 spam texts per month, over double the rate it was three years ago.

Smishing uses text messages instead of emails to lure victims into giving away personal information. It typically involves the smisher sending out mass text messages with a sense of urgency in order to prompt the receiver into taking action without properly verifying the source. The scammer will then either direct their victim to enter sensitive information on a fake website or ask for it directly in the message itself.

The dangers associated with smishing are very real and can easily lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other forms of fraud. Smishers often use scare tactics such as threats or warnings about account suspension if the recipient does not comply, making it difficult for even experienced technology users to spot the scam. Additionally, smishers may be able to access the contacts of a victim’s phone, allowing them to potentially smish additional people in the same network. Unless taken with care, an SMS message could leave you vulnerable to all sorts of threats.

Common smishing tactics

Smishers use a variety of tactics to lure victims into giving away their personal information, including phishing for passwords and other sensitive data.

Beware of the first type of scam you're likely to encounter. This involves a link that directs you to a seemingly legit website or social media platform. You will be asked to insert your credentials, yet instead of allowing access, the fraudulent site steals your details and uses them for malicious intent. Don't fall victim by always double-checking suspicious links before submitting any personal info!

Another kind of attack will attempt to trick you into downloading a malicious application or running it in your web browser. Fortunately, many phones are capable of blocking these types of apps; iPhones especially make it hard for non-approved applications to be installed. Nonetheless, this is something that needs to be monitored when incoming messages arrive on your device.

In a third type of scam, you could receive requests for confidential or monetary information straight away with prompts to reply back with your banking details or log in credentials related to a particular website. As is the case with redirects leading to deceitful sites, these details will be sent directly into the hands of those conducting smishing attempts who most likely intend on using this data as an attempt at taking your money and information from you.

How to Identify Smishing Scams

One of the best ways to identify smishing scams is to be aware of the tactics smishers typically employ. Smishers often use language and tactics designed to create a sense of urgency in order to prompt victims into taking action before they have had the chance to properly verify the source. Warning signs of smishing scams include messages that contain misrepresentations or false promises, requests for personal information, or links that lead to websites with suspicious URLs.

It’s also important to be wary of smishers who spoof legitimate companies or services in order to appear more credible. Oftentimes smishers will send text messages that look like they are coming from a real company or service, but if you look closely enough, you may be able to spot subtle differences in the message or URL that signal it’s a scam.

Additionally, scammers may hijack an existing conversation thread by inserting malicious messages into it without the recipient’s knowledge. This can make it difficult for even experienced technology users to spot the scam.

In order to protect yourself from smishing attacks, it’s important to always double-check any messages you receive before entering any personal information or following any links contained within them. You should never give out passwords or other sensitive data unless you are absolutely certain of whom you are giving it to.

Be sure to also keep your devices and software up-to-date with the latest security patches and anti-virus software so as not be vulnerable against smishing threats. Finally, if you come across a smishing attempt, make sure to report it immediately so authorities can take appropriate action against it.

By remaining vigilant and taking appropriate steps towards protecting yourself against smishing threats, you can stay safe online and help ensure your personal data remains secure from cybercriminals.

Final Thoughts

Smishing is a serious threat to online security that should not be taken lightly. To protect yourself against smishing attacks, it’s important to remain aware of the tactics smishers typically employ and never respond to requests for personal information or passwords without verifying the source. Additionally, make sure your devices are up-to-date with the latest security patches and anti-virus software and report any smishing attempts you come across as soon as possible.

By following these simple steps, you can keep yourself safe from smishing threats and protect your personal data from malicious actors. If you have concerns or questions about smishing or other cybersecurity needs, feel free to contact us and experience the Kotman Difference.

Kotman Technology has been delivering comprehensive technology solutions to clients in California and Michigan for nearly two decades. We pride ourselves on being the last technology partner you'll ever need. Contact us today to experience the Kotman Difference.


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