How to Keep Your Devices Secure During Holiday Travel

person checking phone and laptop

The holiday travel season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time when your cybersecurity is at its most vulnerable. Cybercriminals don't take holidays off, and they use people taking extra time off to travel to see family and friends this season as an opportunity to hack your data. That's why it is important to make sure all your cybersecurity needs are taken care of before leaving for an end-of-year break.

In this article, we'll discuss what you can do before leaving the office and what you can do while traveling to make sure your data remains secure.

How do cybercriminals take advantage when people travel during the holiday season?

Holiday travel can present a number of cybersecurity risks.

1. Cybercriminals may take advantage of the fact that people are distracted while they're on vacation or holiday travel. They may launch phishing attacks or try to install malware on devices while people are busy dealing with travel arrangements.

2. Holiday trips can provide an opportunity for cybercriminals to steal personal information such as passport numbers or credit card details. They may do this by setting up fake websites that pose as legitimate travel companies or by installing keyloggers on public computers.

3. Travel can also increase the risk of identity theft, as thieves may target luggage or other belongings that are left unguarded for extended periods of time.

Cybersecurity before leaving

Cybersecurity is important during the holiday season because it helps protect your devices and your personal information from being stolen or compromised. Here are some tips for keeping your devices and your information safe before heading out:

1. Secure your station

Do not leave passwords where others can see them, such as on a sticky note by your computer. Be sure to log out of all devices and websites when you are finished using them. This will prevent anyone who gains access to your device from being able to view sensitive information.

Just before being away from the office, turn off and unplug any devices that you will not be using. This will also make it easier to tell if someone used your devices upon your return. 

2. Create an out-of-office email

When creating an out-of-office (OOO) email, only include the bare minimum amount of information. Unfortunately, cybercriminals can take advantage of detailed OOO messages to understand exactly when you'll be away from work and exploit any holes in your account security. Instead, your OOO email should only serve as a reminder that you're unable to respond at the moment and will get back to them as soon as possible. Additionally, it's generally unwise to send automatic replies- even if they are cordial -  to unknown senders or email lists.

3. Notify the IT department that you'll be out of the office

Be sure to notify your team and superiors that you're going on vacation, but don't forget the IT department too. Your IT colleagues can assist you in securing your workstation before you take off. Additionally, if a coworker needs access to any of your accounts while you're away, the IT team can help set up temporary credentials for them.

4. Complete all essential tasks before leaving

Vacations are a time to relax and enjoy yourself, so make sure you're prepared by downloading all the movies, music, and books you want to have access to before your trip. This will help save time and prevent you from doing so on a potentially corrupted network in a public place.

5. Turn off all devices that are staying at home

Just as you secure your work devices before leaving for a trip, do the same to any at-home gadgets. If it's not crucial for either traveling or staying home, shut it down. This will make it that much harder for someone to get your data since there is not an available source waiting where you can't reach it.

6. Let a trusted neighbor or friend know you'll be gone

By letting a friend know of your absence, you're not only being considerate, but you're also giving them the opportunity to keep an eye out for any unusual activity happening around your home. With the Internet of Things (IoT) intermixing physical and cybersecurity, it's more important than ever to have someone you can rely on when you can't physically be near your devices.

Cybersecurity while traveling

1. Keep your trip on a need-to-know basis

While it may be enticing for all the likes and comments, don't post your travel dates or location on social media. By sharing this information, you're opening the door for criminals to track your movements and use that sensitive data to perform a cyber attack. They can use social engineering to easily get your information, so don't make that job easier for them.

Once you're back from your travels, post all the pictures you took on social media so your friends and family can see them. If you want to let them know about your trip in real time, we recommend sending a text instead of posting it on social media.

2. Don't use public WiFi

It is important to note if you're planning a trip outside of the country, other nations don't have the same laws regarding public Wi-Fi as the U.S. If you find that you need to connect to the internet, only use networks that are secure and require a passcode. Also, while staying in hotel rooms, put your devices in safes when not in use or when out and about.

By following these tips, you can help keep yourself and your loved ones safe from cybercrime during the holiday season.

As we head into the holiday season, it’s important to remember to keep our cybersecurity in mind. With all of the travel that comes with this time of year, there are plenty of opportunities for criminals to take advantage of unsuspecting travelers. From phishing scams to credit card fraud to identity theft, there are many ways for cybercriminals to steal your hard-earned money and ruin your holiday.

That’s why it’s so important to take steps to protect yourself online before you hit the road or the skies. If you follow these simple tips, you can help keep yourself safe from cybercrime during the holiday season. From all of us atKotman Technology, stay alert and stay safe!

Kotman Technology has been delivering comprehensive technology solutions to clients in California and Michigan for nearly two decades. We pride ourselves on being the last technology partner you'll ever need. Contact us today to experience the Kotman Difference.


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