How to Spot a Charity Scam

Person putting 100 dollar bills in their pocket

It's easy to be taken in by charity scams. After all, who doesn't want to help a good cause? Unfortunately, there are people out there who use this desire for their own gain by running scams that prey on people's goodwill.

These scams often lure people in with the promise of donating to a good cause, when in reality the scammers are just after their money. By being aware of these scams, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.

What are charity scams and how do they work?

Charity scams are schemes in which scammers attempt to solicit donations from individuals or organizations under false pretenses. Charity scams can take a number of different forms, but common tactics include pretending to be a legitimate charity or convincing people that their donation is urgently needed.

If you're unsure about whether a charity is legitimate, it's always best to do some research online or contact your local Better Business Bureau to get more information. Remember, you should never give out your personal or financial information to anyone that you don't know and trust.

The most common tactics and types of charity scams

One of the most common tactics used by charity scammers is to pose as a legitimate charity. They may use names that are similar to well-known organizations, or they may create fake websites or social media profiles. This is a form of social engineering known as identity impersonation. Sometimes, scammers will even contact potential donors directly and try to convince them to donate money or personal information.

Another common tactic is to make people feel like their donation is urgently needed. Scammers may claim that the money will be used to help victims of a natural disaster or other emergency situation such as the current crisis going on in Ukraine. They may also promise high returns on investments or inflated tax deductions.

The Ukraine crisis is currently one of the more popular charity scams given its incredible presence in today's zeitgeist and people's want to help Ukrainian refugees in any way possible. Many different phishing scams have been reported with the criminals trying to take advantage of people's sympathy for the refugees and Ukrainian people. These scams included impersonating such charities as the Mercury One, the Courage Fund and United Help Ukraine.

This is not meant to discourage you from donating to or helping those charities but to inform you that these criminals are researching current trends in the news to have the best option of committing a successful scam. Always make sure the charity site you use is legitimate.

How to protect yourself from getting scammed

In order to avoid being scammed, it's important to be aware of the various signs that a charity might be illegitimate. Some red flags to watch out for include charities that pressure you to donate immediately, solicit donations without providing information about where the money will be used, or ask for money through unsolicited emails or phone calls.

By following these simple tips, you can help protect yourself and your hard-earned money from charity scams.

1. Always double-check a sender’s phone number or email address. 

Even if it may seem legitimate by perfectly impersonating an existing charity, you should make sure by going to their website on your own. The links the message has will most likely send you to a phishing site that looks similar to an existing one.

2. Be skeptical of anything that is free such as gifts or prizes. 

If something is too good to be true, then it usually is. The same goes for charity scams, so always make sure anything they send you is via legitimate means.

3. Conduct proper research into charity organizations. 

If they are a legitimate charity, they will probably have a website that you can donate through directly. Some good charity authenticity checkers are Charity Navigator & Charity Watch.

4. Keep your eyes peeled for common scam signs. 

These often include grammatical mistakes, over-the-top claims and the use of exclamation marks, which are designed to catch your attention.

5. Never click links or attachments from unknown sources. 

This is the same for any type of suspected scam, but it cannot go understated since that is one of the easiest ways for scammers to get your information. They rely on your built-in habits of clicking through on links in messages.

What to do if you've been scammed

If you have been scammed, it is important to act quickly. The sooner you take action, the greater your chances of getting your money back. First, you may want to contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charge or cancel the card that was used. It may also be wise to freeze any accounts associated with the payment method.

You can also report the scam to the police. Additionally, you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). From there, they can investigate and hopefully shut down the fraudulent organization. Keep in mind, however, that scams can be difficult to prosecute, so even if the police or FTC are able to track down the person who scammed you, they may not be able to get your money back. Nevertheless, it is important to report scams to the authorities, so they can investigate and try to prevent others from being scammed in the future.

Finally, you can warn others about the scam by posting a warning on social media or filing a report with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Spreading awareness is a key step toward battling scam artists since they rely on people's gullibility and lack of information on a subject. In doing so, you can help prevent others from becoming victims.

How to choose a legitimate charity to donate to

When looking to donate to a charity, it is important to do your research to ensure that your money is going to a legitimate organization. Unfortunately, it may be hard to choose the right charity or which ones are the best for what you are trying to do. Here are a few tips on how to choose a reputable charity:

1. Check if the charity is registered. 

In the US, you can search for registered charities on the IRS website, or you can go through the BBB to see if they are a reputable company.

2. Research the charity's financial statements. 

Make sure they are transparent about where their money is going and how it is being used.

3. Ask around. 

Talk to people you know who have donated to the charity before or look for online reviews from past donors.

4. Don't give in to guilt. 

Be mindful of scams that play on your emotions in order to get you to donate without thinking. This is one of the most commonly used tactics in a scammer's tool chest.

Charity scams unfortunately exist, and they can be hard to spot. However, by taking the time to research a charity before donating and being aware of some common warning signs, you can help protect yourself from scams and ensure your donation goes to a good cause. This all comes along with proper cybersecurity training for your team which Kotman Technology has been doing for over 20 years

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