Meet Pearl Bejarano (Video)

Get to know our Service Coordinator, Pearl Bejarano. From what she does at work, to her love for swing dancing, Pearl discusses it all.


1. We’ll start this off easy. What is your role at Kotman Technology?

As the Service Coordinator, I have the privilege of engaging with both our techs and clients! Right now my role consists of lots of training, but down the road it should be filled with more coordination of schedules (think Tetris meets Jenga, so it’s been called) and really aiming to help both sides of the telephone succeed and enjoy the bittersweet challenges of technology.

2. How would you describe your job to a child?

I send high-tech superheros to people who are having problems with their technology, and with their brains and friendliness, they’re able to help others.

3. What drew you to the IT field?

Honestly, I would consider myself a technologically challenged person, which is BOLD statement to make considering I work here at Kotman and live during the year 2020. However, I’d say I’m drawn towards IT because of the people! I know that may sound surprising, but working alongside my Kotman team, despite my technological insecurities, has helped me feel rather comfortable in an otherwise unfamiliar realm. They are humble, passionate, and ridiculously savvy… all characteristics that have helped alleviate any previous held fear regarding technology, and have provided a safe space to learn and grow!

4. What does a typical work day look like for you and what are you currently working on?

Throughout my day I’m constantly pushing a refresh button because of the high demand for assistance, our service board updates automatically and frequently, but technology woes are never convenient so the refresh button goes a long way to stay updated. The main portion of my job consists of talking to our clients on the phone, being a good listener, learning names, and of course trying to find the right person for the job that is at hand. My boss also loves to bring us cookies, so cookie eating is what I’m currently working on at this very  moment!

5. What would people never guess you do in your role?

Watch a loaded Nerf gun sit on my desk and wait with anticipation for a time where nobody is on a phone call so that I may fire it off… (It has yet to happen, technology never sleeps, unless you actually need it.)  I promise we actually do work here…

6. What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Personally, I’d say learning that my presence is valuable enough and that my worth isn’t in what I can give as a person, but because of the One who made and adores me always. As a Christ-follower, I think it’s been transformative to see myself as valuable, just as Jesus sees me! It’s crazy to live in a world where we think we can ever be enough to satisfy someone else’s expectations or even our own in life. I guess I haven’t really achieved such a thing, rather it’s been a gift I’ve been blessed with!  

7. What’s the most recent app you’ve downloaded?

It was probably one for this new job. But I can’t really remember.

8. What do you like to do on the weekends?

I love just spending time with people. Drinking tea with someone and learning about their life is a favorite pastime of mine, but there’s also always time for an adventure. Whether that means a trip to the grocery store or traveling out of state for a road trip, as long as there is people involved, I’m there!

9. What's currently in your Netflix/Hulu/Amazon 'Keep Watching' list?

I had started watching the nature show, “Alone” but have yet to finish the series. I think a go-to of mine is  probably “Gilmore Girls” though, it’s wholesome yet very witty!

10. What is your favorite thing to do in Fresno?

Before Covid, I’d say my favorite thing was to be on the dance floor during Art Hop nights with my Fresno Swing Dance peeps. It’s such a great time to be a learner, laugh a ton, and really get a good workout while listening to some classics! The atmosphere and dance itself are always so lively, you just can’t beat it!

Kotman Technology has been delivering comprehensive technology solutions to clients in California and Michigan for nearly two decades. With a customer retention of over 98%, we pride ourselves on being the last technology partner you'll ever need. Contact us today to experience the Kotman Difference.


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