Servers, Gigabytes, and... Nerf Guns?

If you’ve spent any time on our website or social media pages, you’ve likely seen a photo of our entire team holding Nerf guns (if not, here it is).


Without the backstory, it seems like a pretty random photo. But, like our Kotman rocks, these have a lot more meaning than you might think. 

The Nerf Gun Story

In the early days of Kotman Technology, Jon officed out of Walter Wilhelm Law Group (W2LG). They have been clients of Kotman Technology for roughly 10 years. Over the years, Riley and Kristine Walter have become the walking, talking banner of Kotman Technology and many of our current clients can trace their referral back to the Walters.

In 2019, W2LG successfully merged with Wanger Jones. Toward the end of the merger, one Friday afternoon around 4 o’clock, Riley and Kristine marched into Kotman Technology with a big surprise. Music plays as they enter, tables of sushi, sliders, beer and wine are rolled in. A signed poster thanking the Kotman Team is hung up. Jon sits in a chair and a shoeshine kneels down and begins shining his shoes. The room is buzzing with excitement and laughter.

At that moment Kristine pulls out boxes of Nerf guns. “What’s a party without some fun?” she says, as she fires a nerf dart. She proceeds to hand out Nerf guns to the whole office and an epic battle ensues.

Since that day, the Nerf guns have become a constant reminder to us, and our team, that fun is a pillar of the Kotman culture. We love what we do and we love where we work. Nerf gun battles happen on the regular, and we enjoy shooting one another from across the office when we need a break from our screens.

IT is technical and complicated, but we make sure it’s never boring.

Kotman Technology has been delivering comprehensive technology solutions to clients in California and Michigan for nearly two decades. With a customer retention of over 98%, we pride ourselves on being the last technology partner you'll ever need. Contact us today to experience the Kotman Difference.


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