Top 10 Phishing Email Subjects: Q3 2022
This quarter emails pretending to be from businesses were the most clicked subject category worldwide and there have been an increasing number of business-related scams being sent from HR/IT/Managers.

Top 10 Phishing Email Subjects: Q2 2022
This quarter there was an influx of business related emails which are more likely to be clicked on since employees do not want to have their work affected. Because it is work related, employees are also less likely to be suspicious of any links or of opening the email in the first place.

Top 10 Phishing Email Subjects: Q1 2022
This quarter there was an influx in IT and online service notifications that could potentially affect users' daily work. These types of attacks prey on a person's emotions in the hopes they will act on them rather than logically evaluating if the email is real or not.