Meet Chris Palomares (Video)

Get to know Technical Support Specialist, Chris Palomares. Chris tells us all about how he got started in IT, what he likes to do on the weekends, and his greatest personal achievement so far.


1. What drew you to the IT field?

I needed a job during college, and I loved Apple so I applied at the Apple Store. Once I started working there, I discovered a passion for solving people's problems with tech. I knew I wasn't going to work in a retail environment forever and that an IT career was the path for me. 

2. How would you describe your job to a child?

I make people that are sad about their computer happy again.

3. What does a typical work day look like for you and what are you currently working on?

There's no typical day, and I love that. Some days I'm at my desk all day on the phone. Others I'm driving out to a client's office and setting up their kid's iPad so it's one less technical issue to think about, and allows them to focus on their business. 

4. What would people never guess you do in your role?

Sometimes this job isn't about tech. I've helped customers who've had minor and easily solvable technical issues, but because the problem threw their whole day off, I kind of have to act as a friend or therapist to turn their day around. 

5. What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Easy! Joining this excellent team at Kotman. 

6. What’s the most recent app you’ve downloaded?

myFICO. Staying on top of your personal finances are key to a life of reduced stress. 

7. What do you like to do on the weekends?

Spend time at home with my wife and two cats.

8. What's currently in your Netflix/Hulu/Amazon 'Keep Watching' list?

The Office and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

9. What is your favorite thing to do in Fresno?

I LOVE Bobby Salazar's Mexican restaurant. I order their food at least once a week.

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