What's That Term?: Cookies

The IT industry is technical and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be impossible to understand. In conversations with our clients and end users, we try to break down IT lingo into easy to understand terminology. Our What’s That Term? Series offers definitions for some of the most common words and terms in today's technology vocabulary.


Sorry to make you hungry for sweets while you’re trying to pretend Girl Scout cookie season hasn’t come again. But don’t worry, we’re not talking about Thin Mints here.

What is it?

person on google search page

In the tech world, a cookie is a small text file created by a website that is stored in the user's computer either temporarily for that session only or permanently on the hard disk. Cookies provide a way for the website to recognize you and keep track of your preferences.

Cookies are commonly used to "maintain the state" of a browser session. For example, users can place items in a shopping cart, switch to another page or even another site, and when they come back, the site recognizes them and the current state of the cart.

In the last couple years, you’ve probably noticed more websites asking you to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ cookies on their site. Whether you choose to accept or decline these cookies is completely up to you. You can choose to accept all cookies, accept some cookies, or even prevent them completely based on your privacy preferences.

Why You’ve Heard It

In the last couple years, you’ve probably noticed more websites asking you to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ cookies on their site. Whether you choose to accept or decline these cookies is completely up to you. You can choose to accept all cookies, accept some cookies, or even prevent them completely based on your privacy preferences.

Our Advice

Cookies are an essential component of the modern internet. Cookies help web developers give you more personal, convenient website visits by allowing websites to remember you, your preferences, your website logins, shopping carts and more.

Because cookies make using the internet far more convenient, and rarely act maliciously on computer systems, there is very minimal risk in accepting cookies during web browsing. In fact, we rarely recommend disabling them. But, if you are more privacy-inclined, you can choose to limit what cookies end up on your computer or mobile device. Each browser’s process for managing cookies is different. You can find instructions for step-by-step instructions for removing cookies from the most popular web browsers here.

Kotman Technology has been delivering comprehensive technology solutions to clients in California and Michigan for nearly two decades. With a customer retention of over 98%, we pride ourselves on being the last technology partner you'll ever need. Contact us today to experience the Kotman Difference.


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