Mobile Device Management for the Modern Workforce
Our mobile devices go with us everywhere, and they are essential parts of our daily lives. This not only applies to their social capabilities but their function in our work lives as well. Therefore, mobile device management is becoming more and more essential to the cyber security of businesses.

What's That Term?: Ransomware
Ransomware is an ever-evolving form of malware designed to hold a victim’s data for ransom. A user or organization’s critical data is encrypted so that they cannot access files, databases, or applications. A ransom is then demanded to provide access.

What's That Term?: Cookies
A cookie is a small text file created by a website that is stored in the user's computer either temporarily for that session only or permanently on the hard disk. Cookies provide a way for the website to recognize you and keep track of your preferences.

5 Signs of a Quality MSP
With more providers to choose from, it’s important to note that not all managed service providers are created equal. Here are 5 ways you can tell that you are working with a quality MSP.

3 Common Election Scams to Avoid
With only a few days left in the 2020 election cycle, here are 3 of the most common scams we're seeing. Stay vigilant!

What's That Term?: VPN
You’ve probably heard more about VPN’s in the last few months than ever before. Let’s talk about what a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is, why people use them, and why you keep hearing about them.

4 FREE Ways to Improve Home WiFi (Video)
With everyone spending more time at home, you may have noticed a decrease in home WiFi speed. Here are 4 completely FREE ways to boost your at-home WiFi experience.

What are Managed IT Services?
Technology is an integral part of your business, but that doesn’t mean that it should constantly be on your mind. A Managed Services Provider can maintain your IT integrity while you focus on doing what your business set out to accomplish.

What's That Term?: Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-factor Authentication. You’ve likely heard this term, and it’s even more likely that you’ve utilized this security measure.

How Is Your IT Provider Handling COVID-19?
Now that the dust has settled a little, it may be time to evaluate your IT provider’s performance in the face of an unprecedented crisis.